The North Chapter are a Masonic Motorcycle Association, chartered by the Widows Sons Scotland MRA. We are all Freemasons first & foremost who all share the same enjoyment of riding motorcycles. We do not officially speak for or represent any Masonic body, however membership is restricted to Freemasons registered with the Grand Lodge of Scotland, or bodies recognised and in amity with the Grand Lodge of Scotland.
We are not a 1% Club, M.C or M.C.C but a non-brand specific riding association and welcome any Freemason who wishes to join us regardless of which type of motorcycle you ride. Our aim is simply the promotion of Freemasonry, support the masonic lodges throughout the North provinces and raise monies for our nominated & local charities.
The name Widows Sons and all our associated logo’s and emblems come from aspects of our fraternity, all of which have relevant masonic meanings and context to them and none of them are intended to install fear or imply any sort threatening behaviour or actions. All our emblems are explained to those who join as part of their membership.