A common phrase amongst Freemasons, 2 Be 1 – Ask 1 – Freemasons Do Not solicit for membership, it is highly unlikely anyone will ever ask you to join a Lodge. This has to be a personal choice from each individual, and YOU must ask to become a member. Many people never join because they are not aware of this criteria and when asked, many people simply state I have never been asked to join. Freemasonry is a path that only you can choose to walk, it is a journey of taking good men and making them better. Should you choose to walk this path though, rest assured you will not walk it alone. Freemasons are members of society from all walks of life, it does not matter what background you come from, what career you are in, what religion you belong to or any other limiting factor.
There are now about 4 million Freemasons under more than 100 “regular” Grand Lodges worldwide. Membership of the Craft is open to every respectable man who believes in his personal Supreme Being and is of good moral conduct. We do not dictate the definition of a supreme being to any member, this definition is left up to the individual, religion and politics are two subjects that will never be discussed within a Masonic Lodge.
Freemasonry is an ancient and honourable society.
Its principles are just steady standards of life and conduct in a changing world. The practice by the Freemason of Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth and the other principles of the Craft will go a long way to making a good man better.
Once you are a Freemason, the same applies to Widows Sons, if you want 2B1 – ASK 1, although we do actively promote membership to our fellow biker brothers, many who join us value the membership we offer as a way of meeting like minded individuals, they enjoy the camaraderie experienced within the Widows Sons, the promotion of the Craft, the ride outs & the social aspect many of us enjoy together.